Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Myth creation project

Joshua Partridge Mythology 9/12/12 In the begining there was nothing, nothing but blackness. There was no stars, no skies, and no life at all. Then out of the blackness came a blue sphere. It was small at first but then it began to grow; it grow so large the blackness couldn't hold it anymore. This so called Blue Sphere was the earth; but just like the blackness, the earth had nothing there as well. Over sometime many beutiful just started appearing. The seas covered the planet, land sprouted out, and creatures popped out and began to roam this world; one of which was man and woman. Out of all of the earth's offspring and creation, humans stood out. Humans had high intelligence which was the most prefect thing about them. One day the earth spoke to both the man and woman. " you, out of the things I have made you are the most perfect and the most loved by me. So I give two gifts". "What is the first gift?" the man said. The earth spoke and said "Oh I give you man power over me. Men shall rule the world and all creatures in it. only one so perfect shall rule." What is the second gift?" the woman said. The earth smiled and spoke again " Oh I give you woman the greatest power, the ability to reproduce. Women shall be able to give birth and cover me in perfect beings such as you." Soon The man and woman began to do just that. The man ruled over all and the women began to have children. Eventually the whole earth was covered with both men and women. The earth was so happy, the emotions of the earth could not be discribed. Everything was perfect but however nothing stays so good for ever. One warm summer morning, everything was peaceful until the earth heard a cry from one of the valleys on the earth. The earth looked to see what was wrong and saw a horrible sight. The earth gazed upon a village that was on fire and the bodies of men, women, and children laid there dead. Soon the earth opened it's eyes and saw terrible things like this were happening all across it. The earth was horrified and also confused. "How can it be that the creatures it said was perfect commit these sins." The earth said to it's self. It began to think and came to realize that humans are just like all the other creatures; flawed and imperfect. A few years later a ;little boy was alone in a field crying because his father had died. The boy screamed out "Why did this happen? If humans are so perfect how do these bad doing happen?" The earth heard this cry and answered the boy's question. "Oh Young one it does not matter what or who you are. Nothing and no one is truly perfect." Then the earth never spoke again.

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